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Our body speaks to us!

Who has never felt physical pain?

Recently, in addition to my daily tasks and routine, I have been overloaded at work... You know, when we feel that our energy reserves are exhausted even before the end of the day?! The result: muscle tension, colds and headaches. With the encouragement of a valued colleague, I finally decided to make an appointment with my osteopath. A nice way to give my body a second chance. Afterwards, I wondered if I really deserved it. Did I really need it? It's so simple to feel guilty or to diminish the importance of giving time to ourselves! Have I regretted it since then? Not at all!

For those of you who don’t know about osteopathy, I suggest you visit this website: Ostéopathie Québec. You will be surprised to learn about all the benefits this manual medicine can offer you, even after surgery. During my session with my osteopath, I could understand the links between the blockages and the tensions I was experiencing. She talked to me about Chinese medicine (alternative medicine) in which people think that the circulation of energy is the basis of good health. According to this type of medicine, a healthy lifestyle could prevent imbalances and diseases.

The links were very obvious in my situation. Thinking about it spurred me to take a step back to guide my actions and decisions in order to make certain resolutions. My body had probably given me warnings before I felt these symptoms. Fortunately, I finally ended up listening to them! And what about you? Are you doing this?

In spring, many people do their "spring cleaning". It’s a time of excitement during which we’re preparing ourselves for summer. It's also garage sale time. People are cleaning up their surroundings, trying to keep only what’s essential. Why aren’t we taking time to do it in our life too…? What do we want to keep? And, on the contrary, what is taking too much space and is not essential to us? In the end, the goal is to find a balance so that energy can circulate freely.

A simple way to do this could be to start saying "NO" to certain things. It's a big challenge for many of us but when we respect each other, people can only feel it. They might even be more grateful for what you do for them...

Lastly, the key is to work on what we have power over and let go of what we can’t change.

Anne-Marie Lanciaux

Brought by our partner: B Braun