High heels, tight clothes, long and voluminous hair, and makeup products are all ways to make you feel like a woman, according to the beauty standards set by the medias and the fashion and advertising industries. There are also these so-called feminine characteristics, like gentleness and elegance. They do no represent every woman, as we are all different. In this first article, I want to share my views on femininity, because behind your image hides a deeper femininity: YOU!

Femininity is shown through our ability to present the most beautiful parts of ourselves, both inside and outside. It is first and foremost a state of mind. It's something that is first felt inside and that shows through looks, smiles, gait, clothing and an authentic attitude. It starts by recognizing what makes you beautiful and unique as a woman, including our strengths, our weaknesses, our imperfections and our differences. An ostomy can be seen by most as an obstacle to express your femininity. It is indeed a change that requires a lot of adaptation and acceptance. It's possible that you have to change the way you think about and view yourself if your thoughts usually are negative. It's hard to show your femininity if you think you're not attractive nor interesting.

I suggest you pay attention to what you look at first when you look in the mirror: Do you look at your ostomy, or your imperfections? If you do, it could be a good idea to seek help from a qualified professional to help with the acceptance process. They will also guide you towards a better self-esteem and body image.

Remember that your stoma doesn't define you. It's a new part of you that helps you be healthy again andachieve anything you want. Learn to look at yourself in a new way. In a way that sees the unique and extraordinary woman you are. In a way that knows you can combine femininity and ostomy.

Lise Laflamme
Sexologist and psychotherapist

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