Posts in STACEY

When I first started experiencing anxiety (somewhere along my IBD journey) I again waited a great deal of time before seeking help. I either thought I was just over reacting or worse case scenario, I was completely loosing my mind.

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Quand j’ai commencé à ressentir de l’anxiété, j’ai encore une fois patienté longtemps avant d’en parler et chercher de l’aide. Pendant un moment, je croyais que j’exagérais ou même pire, que je perdais la tête.

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Coming to terms with an ostomy is a rigorous process. It takes patience, diligence and careful consideration. One day you’re a healthy 25 year old, planning an engagement party for your best friend, and then next day you’re hospitalized because your own body is betraying you.

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Accepter la stomie est un processus qui est rigoureux. Ça prend de la patience, de la diligence et beaucoup de considérations. Un jour tu as 25 ans, tu es en santé, la vie bat son plein, tu planifies les fiançailles de ton meilleur ami et le lendemain, tu te retrouves sur un lit d’hôpital parce que ton corps a décidé de te mettre au défi.

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So on October 3st, 2015 I had a subtotal colectomy procedure, leaving me with a temporary ileostomy. For the past year I’ve lived with my stoma as I’ve allowed my body to recover. Not recover from the surgery but recover from a life with ulcerative colitis.

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